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Does Your Organization Need a Background Check Process?

Many organizations run screenings on potential volunteers, but some may find the idea of formalizing their organization’s background check process daunting. However, a formal volunteer background check protocol can make recruitment easy, safe and efficient. So, if you are unsure whether your organization needs to develop a background check process, answer these eight questions to find out.

1. Are you expanding your volunteer base?

Growing organizations must gain the loyalty of new volunteers to continue their efforts. However, more of them bring a higher-liability risk. You can expand your volunteer base with confidence by screening applicants and verifying their skills.

2. Are you trying to develop a trustworthy brand?

By cultivating a culture of honesty and responsibility, volunteers and donors will be drawn to your organization’s strong reputation. Background checks can help ensure that you choose volunteers that will uphold your organization’s values. Therefore, volunteers can be your greatest advocates if they represent your brand with reliability and respect.

3. Do you want to reduce turnover?

Minimizing turnover allows you to spend less time training new volunteers and more time fostering a positive environment for volunteers and those you serve. Build a strong core of consistent volunteers by authenticating their backgrounds and aligning them with your goals and ideals.

4. Are you looking for volunteers that will advocate for you?

Volunteers can carry a lot of weight for an organization, and some even rely on volunteers to run their day-to-day operations, promote their mission and recruit future volunteers. Therefore, those organizations must place their trust in volunteers to further their ambitions. So, background screenings can help you choose the volunteers who will advocate for you and stay dedicated to you.

5. Do you need to verify volunteers’ qualifications?

Some volunteer positions require prior training, education or knowledge. Before you send volunteers out into the field, you can get peace of mind by checking that their background is legitimate. Through a background screening, you can make sure your volunteers have all the qualifications they need to fulfill your mission.

6. Does your organization require skills that must be certified?

If your volunteers need to drive, operate machinery or perform any certifiable task while working for you, it is in your best interest to verify their abilities. Background checks can report on driving records and confirm all certifications. You can keep your volunteers and your community safe by making these checks a standard part of your recruitment process.

7. Do you want to avoid negligence claims?

While organizations do everything in their power to avoid issues, nothing can prevent all problems. So, should any problem arise, you can protect your organization from legal claims by performing background checks. Hence, screening all volunteers proves that your organization did its due diligence to maintain a safe environment.

8. Can your volunteers’ integrity affect your bottom line?

Your volunteers can be the face of your organization, and those in your community who interact with them should feel respected and uplifted. If just one volunteer leaves someone with a negative impression of your organization, it can throw you off course. So, to maintain your brand and character, screen volunteers and choose those who will live your principles.

In order to learn more about volunteer background checks or start your background check process, contact One Source Client Relations.

When You’re Ready to Run a Background Check, Start Here

Everything you need to do before launching the background check process

Whether you are an employer looking into the history of a potential new hire, a volunteer coordinator wanting to verify the background of a volunteer or anyone else who could need a background check, there are a few important things you must do before you receive a report. Once you decide on a background check, follow these simple steps to ensure the check runs smoothly and ethically.

Choose the type of background check

There is a wide variety of common background checks, and each type provides slightly different information to serve a unique purpose. Clarify your purpose for running a background check and choose the type that will best meet your needs.

  • Pre-employment Screening: Employers can run background checks specifically designed to minimize risk for their business. Pre-employment checks can include confirmation of work history, education history, a credit report, criminal records and driving records. In certain situations, a drug screening and a review of an applicant’s social media use can be included.
  • Volunteer Screening: Nonprofits, schools and other organizations that require volunteers can maintain their integrity and keep their communities safe with background checks. Volunteer checks are just as thorough as pre-employment checks, but they are meant to fit the budget and needs of volunteer organizations.
  • Certified Contractors Background Checks: If you are hiring contractors, you can make sure they are screened to the same high standard you require for your staff, while staying compliant with the FCRA. A certified contractor check includes a criminal check, optional drug screening and a check of compliance with One Source Certified Contractor (OSCC) guidelines.

For more comprehensive information, contact One Source Client Relations.

Get authorization from the person being checked

To move forward with a background check, you must receive consent from the person who will be checked. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) mandates that a Disclosure and Authorization form must be signed before a background check, and if it is not authorized you could face legal consequences. Notify those you intend to background check and explain to them how the results of the check will be used so they can be informed before they sign off.

One Source offers a compliant Disclosure and Authorization form you can download here.

Gather identification information

The insight you need to obtain from the person being reviewed can vary based on the company you are running the check through. For most background check companies, you need to provide a full name and a unique identifying number such as a birthdate, Social Security number or driver’s license number. A background check company will tell you up front if they need any further information.

Once you complete these tasks, you can let a background check company do the rest of the work. Background checks take a few days to complete. To learn more about the background check process or to get started, contact One Source Client Relations.

The Top 3 Reasons Nonprofit Volunteers Need Background Checks

To nonprofit organizations, volunteers are so much more than temporary helpers. They’re the lifeblood that lets a nonprofit thrive. They are administrators, fundraisers, cheerleaders, advocates and anything else that can drive an organization’s purpose forward.

The actions of volunteers make or break a nonprofit’s success. Genuine, reliable volunteers can boost a nonprofit’s integrity and increase its impact, but dishonest volunteers put nonprofits’ finances and reputations at risk.

So, how do you make sure your organization recruits excellent volunteers? Background checks. Here are the top 3 reasons nonprofit volunteers need background checks:

Public Safety

Volunteers who assist with events, fundraisers and outreach efforts are the face of an organization. Their exchanges with the public define how the organization is perceived, and it is the duty of volunteers to ensure everyone is comfortable and safe.

Running background checks on potential volunteers gives you peace of mind that your volunteers will treat the communities you serve with respect. Many nonprofits work with vulnerable populations like children and the elderly, and volunteers who interact with them must be screened. If an incident occurs and you did not background check your volunteers, you could be held responsible for the incident. Background checks keep the community you serve safe and allow you to trust your volunteers.

Volunteer Dedication

In order to grow your volunteer base with caring, dedicated volunteers, you must build a positive volunteer work environment. If volunteers steal, lie or take advantage of an organization, distrust becomes rooted in its culture.

Potentially wonderful volunteers will be wary of participating in the organization for fear of an unpleasant experience.

Nonprofits must make volunteers feel valued and secure to earn their loyalty. Background checks help you make informed decisions about which volunteers will foster a constructive work environment. Once you establish your organization as a great place to volunteer, your number of dedicated volunteers will increase.

Reputation Management

When people donate to a nonprofit, they trust the money they give will be used wisely. When people bring their families to a nonprofit’s event, they trust they will be safe. Public trust is required to maintain a nonprofit’s relevance. However, one wrong move from a volunteer can wreck the public’s confidence and leave the nonprofit in ruin.

Background checks allow you to verify your volunteers are ethical. Volunteers who handle donations honestly and treat others kindly will boost trust in your organization. People can tell when an organization has integrity. Build a good reputation through your volunteers, and people will be proud to support you.

Volunteers can be your nonprofit’s greatest asset. They can promote your purpose while giving your organization credibility. One Source’s comprehensive background check services help you choose your volunteers with confidence. Follow the link to learn more about One Source.